Servizio clienti disponibile dal Lunedi' al Venerdi' : ore 9:00 - 17:00 02 8715 7007

Kaizen Coach Club®

Resources for Lean Production

Being a member of the Kaizen Coach Club means being a part of a community of people who are dedicated and passionate about achieving operational excellence in business.

The exclusive advantages of the KCC:

  • Exclusive and free access to the Lean Manufacturing library
  • Exclusive reports on visits to companies which exercise Lean
  • Exclusive monthly newsletter for the KCC members with topics on: Lean Manufacturing and Team Coaching
  • Automatic notification of all the new KC blog posts
  • Discounts on all products and services from the Kaizen Coach website (e-books, e-learning, etc.)
  • Free Telephone Consultation, with our consultants, for problems related to production
  • 10% Discount on the Kaizen Coach consultation